Library Services

The Otto Pick Library of International Relations is one of the largest specialized libraries in the field of international studies.

The library systematically collects materials on subjects of Czech foreign policy, international relations, international security, international organisations, and problems of select states. 

The library’s documentation activities focus on Czech foreign policy towards states of Central and Eastern Europe, the EU, NATO and the UN; problems of European integration, European security, international crises and conflicts; problems of globalization; and migration and minority issues.


Summer opening hours (until 30/09/2024)

Monday 10:00 -17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 15:00


Opening hours

Mon 10:00 - 17:00
Tue  10:00 - 14:00
Wed 10:00 - 17:00
Thu  10:00 - 15:00


Lending Service

The library fund offers

  • more than 100 000 volumes of monographs, proceedings, yearbooks, materials from conferences, and research and analytic studies of research institutes and international organizations
  • over 300 periodical titles
  • full texts of some foreign magazines and articles that are available online
  • all monographs, yearbooks and periodicals of the Institute of International Relations and the Institute for International Politics and Economics

Books, magazines and documentation stored in the warehouse must be ordered one day before their collection by the reader who ordered them. In the study room, the reader can simultaneously order or borrow a maximum of 10 publications (i.e. 10 titles) and 2 volumes of a magazine for use on the study room‘s premises.

Materials from the fund of the library and documentation are made available both for use on the premises of the library and to take home.

In regard to borrowing books to take home, it is possible to borrow a maximum of 3 books at a time for a period of one month. Titles from the reference fund, magazines, articles and books with a value higher than CZK 3,500 cannot be borrowed to take home.

The library user can check out, at most, three publications at once for 1 month. Publications from the reference fund, journals, articles and publications worth more than 3 500 Kč cannot be checked out for home use, with the exception of those that were published by the IIR.

The study room is equipped with 2 computers with internet connection, 8 study places and a WiFi connection. A self-service copier and a scanner are also available.


Ordering Options
  • through the online catalogue of the library (the instructions are in the documents below)
  • by e-mail at (the following basic information must be provided in the e-mail: the book number and the title and author of the book; for periodicals, the volume number, issue number and year must also be provided)
  • by telephone (251 108 405)
  • possibility of returning books to the bibliobox at the reception (Monday - Friday 7.00 - 19.30)
How to become a reader

The reader’s first visit to the library is considered to be for the purpose of giving the reader the necessary information for using it.
To order information materials from the library as well as to enter it again after the first visit, an admission card is necessary.

Conditions for obtaining an admission card:

  • completion of the application form (downloadable through the documents below)
  • payment of the reader's fee
  • providing your identification card (your identity card, driving license, or passport); students must show their student's card to prove their identity (ISIC, Junior pas, etc.)

The price of an admission card

  • bargain price (students, members of the editorial council of the IIR): 50,- Kč
  • full price: 100,- Kč
  • IIR personnel, IIR interns: free of charge
  • duplicate of card: 100,- Kč


Inter-library lending service

For readers

If the requested information source is not in the library's funds, the library might be able to borrow the document from another (Czech or foreign) library through the inter-library lending service (orders and information at

External readers are charged for the service and they can borrow the books obtained through it only for in-library use.

For libraries

A loan or a copy of an article from the library's collection can be requested through the Union Catalog of the Czech Republic or by e-mail at

We provide the ILS service to libraries free of charge; we do not charge for packaging or postage.


Bibliographic-information services

The bibliographic-information services include the following:

  • providing comprehensive information on the library's collection, and information on other publications and electronic resources on the topics of international relations, foreign policy and regional studies
  • processing searches for and lists of information sources (order)
  • providing excursions in the library and educational events, and training focused on the possibilities of using the library services and working with electronic information sources

Our team

Mgr. Eva Husáková
head of the library, periodicals

Hana Blažková
exchange of publications

Mgr. Magdalena Kroupová, Ph.D.
study room, acquisition, interlibrary loan service, authorities

Bc. Lenka Ženatová
databases, retrieval

Knihovní řád, návod katalog, čtenářská přihláška