Germany´s New Role in the EU

New book focusing on Germany, the German relations with the neighbourhood countries and the implications for the Czech Republic by Filip Černoch, Vladimír Handl, Vladan Hodulák, Oldřich Krpec, Petr Ocelík, William E. Paterson, Elsa Tulmets and Michal Vít was published by Masaryk University in Brno.
Quoting from the introduction: "The text in the first place, analyzes the position and the role of Germany in the European Union. Next to the assessment of priorities and conducts of the Germany, including the part devoted to the analysis of local political parties, the authors also observed related activities of France, Poland and the United Kingdom. Potential scenarios of the further Eurozone development were also evaluated, namely the forthcoming events that might affect the German – French tandem. …”
Filip Černoch, Vladimír Handl, Vladan Hodulák, Oldřich Krpec, Petr Ocelík, William E. paterson, Elsa Tulmets, Michal Vít:
Germany´s New Role in the EU: The Future of the Berlin-Praxis in Terms of the Czech Foregin-Political Interests.
Masaryk University: Brno, 2014, ISBN: 978-80-210-7025-7