14/05/2019 This content is not up to date

First issue of the year of journal New Perspectives is out!

New Perspectives makes new developments in this month’s edition, with a special focus on historical divisions in Europe and how they have been overcome in the post-Cold War era alongside extensive scholarship on the political consequences and prospects of the European Union

This issue’s special focus is on the various issues and perspectives related to the European Union and the concept of European identity, which are reflected against the EU’s role in the international order and global politics. Additionally, novel research into the relationship between the Schengen Area and state sovereignty is featured in this issue. Featuring both rising academics and established scholars such as David M. McCourt, Andrew Glencross, Revecca Pedi, and Markéta Votoupalová, this section on the European identity as well as policy issues promises to be intellectually stimulating.

The newest edition of New Perspectives also contains two self-reflective sections. The first includes the latest forecasting report from IMEMO, Russia’s leading global economics and international affairs research institute associated with the Russian Academy of Sciences. This offers a unique English-language predictive-style report on future relations between a realist Russia and a liberal West. The second includes a scholarly panel that critically reflects on Rade Zinaić’s New Perspectives piece from 2017 on "Critical Balkanology". Finally, this issue closes with an excerpt from the new Bauhaus Imaginista exhibition, which looks at the relationship of influence between Bauhus luminaries and the cultures they engaged with. The wide-ranging variety of issues and topics covered in this edition of New Perspectives ensures that it is not one to be missed.