Lýdie Kárníková Deputy Director of Operations and External Relations

Lýdie Kárníková is the Deputy Director of Operations and External Relations, responsible for External Relations. She is in charge of planning and evaluating communication activities and participates in the development of strategic documents that set long-term objectives and priorities. She participates in the preparation of expert meetings for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the founder of the Institute. Together with her colleagues in the Communications and Conferences Unit, she is responsible for the area of research dissemination with the aim of raising awareness of the results of scientific work. She works with researchers, coordinates campaigns and seeks innovative ways of communicating research findings to different target groups.
She completed her doctoral studies at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, and her research focus is on the issues of hegemony and polarization in public space and the history of post-socialism.