Zahraniční vměšování cizích mocností v kontextu současných geopolitických a technologických změn“ (INTERFER).

The IMS FSV UK project creates a unique inter-institutional platform for excellence-oriented research on foreign interference in the context of contemporary geopolitical and technological changes. The partners are MUNI, OU, IIR.

  • Provider: MŠMT (Operační program Jan Amos Komenský/ OP JAK)
  • Project name: Zahraniční vměšování cizích mocností v kontextu současných geopolitických a technologických změn“ (INTERFER)
  • Registration number: CZ.02.01.01/00/23_025/0008692
  • Implementation period: 1/2025 – 12/2028.
  • More information on the website of the beneficiary/principal investigator here.

The consortium creates a unique platform for excellent research on the issue of foreign interference in the context of contemporary geopolitical and technological changes. The main objectives of the project include the implementation of four original research projects focused on the impact of foreign interference practices on public opinion, on the domestic and foreign policy adaptation of states to this threat, and on the current technological transformation of foreign interference tools of foreign powers.

The four research projects will be led by Jakub Eberle from the Institute of International Studies of the Charles University, Monika Brusenbach-Meiselová from the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University,  Tomáš Weiss from the Institute of International Studies of the Charles University and Linda Monsees from the Institute of International Relations. Marek Vranka from the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism of the Charles University will also collaborate on the first research project.

The Jan Amos Komenský Operational Programme (OP JAK) supports lifelong learning and the development of skills needed to adapt to rapid changes such as digitalisation and climate change. The programme focuses on ensuring the long-term employability of individuals in society and reflects the priority themes funded by the European Union in the 2021-2027 programming period.