Dependence in Europe’s Relations with China: Czech Perspective


The idea that Europe has grown dependent on China has become a common refrain across the continent. The 2022 e European Think-tank Network on China Report provide substance, and in some cases nuance, to these discussions, contributing a much-needed, “bottom-up” perspective on an intensifying European debate.

Our researcher Rudolf Fürst has contributed to the Report with the chapter titled "Czech Republic: Pendulum swings toward freezing ties based on overestimated fear of China". 

The issue of dependence on China resonates with the strategic concerns of the Czech Republic in economic and cyber security. Yet, in terms of available data on trade and investments, the Czech Republic’s economic dependence on China is still low. The precautionary measures taken by excluding Chinese suppliers from 5G networks and the nuclear energy sector prevent any dependence on Chinese suppliers from emerging in these areas. Although the hypothetical cyber and energy security risks have been taken into consideration, the Czech domestic discourse on securitization prevails over the real level of security challenges. As the period of Czech bilateral—as well as 16+1 multilateral—rapprochement with the PRC failed to achieve convincing economic results, Czech skeptics have won the domestic political battle of views.

The full-text report is available below.