Getting Russia Right: Dispelling Myths From 'Putin the Mastermind' to 'Hybrid War'
The Institute of International Relations would like to cordially invite you to a lecture "Getting Russia Right: Dispelling Myths From 'Putin the Mastermind' to 'Hybrid War'" taking place on June 19 2019, 16:30 at Institute of International Relations, Nerudova 3, Prague.
19. 6. 2019 (16:30)
Institute of International Relations, Nerudova 3, Prague
Western policy towards Russia in recent years has had many tactical successes, but seems to be failing strategically. Russia is still entrenched in Crimea and the Donbas; it continues aggressively to interfere in European politics and media; if anything, the Kremlin is more, not less oppressive at home. Mark Galeotti will suggest that to a considerable extent it is because policy is still being informed by a dangerous series of cliches and caricatures, and a more realistic and nuanced perspective will actually help develop more effective policy.
Prof. Mark Galeotti is a Senior Non-Resident Fellow of the IIR, and author of recent books including 'Russian Political War' and 'We Need To Talk About Putin'