Czech Security Forum 2024
On behalf of the organisers, we would like to kindly invite you to save the date for the Czech Security Forum (CSF) which will be held on October 25, 2024, at Goethe-Institut Prague.
25. 10. 2024 (9:00)
Language: English Goethe-Institut, Masarykovo nábřeží 32, 110 00 New Town
The 2024 Czech Security Forum, co-organised by the Institute of International Relations Prague and the Peace Research Center Prague, targeted the topic of Great Power Rivalry and the European Security Order. A focal point of the conference was the role of NATO in the broader European security architecture. The guests from both domestic and international academia aimed at putting the European security order in the global context and highlighted the necessity to take into account the increased great power rivalry and the role of China in the understanding of security developments on the European continent. Moreover, the role of arms control mechanisms and nuclear arsenals was addressed - Russia’s open military aggression against neighbouring Ukraine and the ongoing tensions in the South China Sea that highlight the current lack of confidence-building measures, the crumbling arms control architecture, and the unwillingness to utilize international institutions for conflict resolution.
The talks also addressed the Czech contribution to enhancing the deterrence and defence posture of Europe and analyze the role of NATO in empowering partners, such as Ukraine, as well as other vulnerable actors in Europe’s neighbourhood in the face of evolving security challenges.
Find the Czech press release under the downloads section.
Day 1 25/10/2024
Keynote speech: How to Build a Better World Order
Panel 1 - Great Power Competition and International Order
Coffee break with light refreshments
Panel 2 - Zeitenwende and the Post-2022 European Security Order
Light lunch / glass of wine
The Czech Security Forum is organised by the Institute of International Relations (IIR) and Charles University’s Peace Research Center Prague (PRCP) in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the Embassy of Finland Prague, the Institute of International Studies (IMS) and the Political Science Club (PK).