New Perspectvies Issue 1/2016 OUT NOW!

We are delighted to present issue 01/2016 of New Perspectives:
- Living in Post-truth: Power/Knowledge/Responsibility (Benjamin Tallis);
- An Unending Quest for Russia’s Place in the World (Mariya Omelicheva and Lidiya Zubytska);
- Too Limited, Too Late: Evaluating the Czech Republic’s Performance as a Small-State Lobbyist in EU External Policy (Tomáš Weiss);
- When One Religious Extremism Unmasks Another (Johan van der Walt)
this and much more you can find in the journal New Perspectives!
Subscribers of New Perspectives have access to the full contents of the journal. However, we are also very happy to be able to offer free access to the Editorial and to one of our original articles – or two if you sign up to our newsletter (email for details).