Variations of Metaphors in Party Manifestos About EU Finality

Jan Kovář has published a new chapter titled "Variations of metaphors in party manifestos about EU finality: Assessing party positions through conceptual metaphors" in Variation in Political Metaphor, a book edited by Julien Perrez.
The literature on party positions on European integration relies from a methodological point of view on coding of election manifestos and expert surveys/judgments. This paper opts for a different approach to study party positions on European integration based on an analysis of variation of the metaphors used by political parties in the discourse about the EU political finality. The analysis of metaphor variation in the Czech party discourse points to the following classification of Czech political parties’ attitudes towards the EU’s “finalité politique”: the most Euro-enthusiastic is the KDU-ČSL, followed by the ČSSD, and on the other side of the spectrum is the rather Eurosceptic KSČM and the most Eurosceptic ODS.