1. 4. 2016
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New Issue of the New Perspectives

CONTENTSEditorial: Constellation to Constellation: Situation, Encounter & Doubt
Benjamin Tallis
Research Articles
- (Inter)National Reconstruction: Revising Poststructuralist Encounters with the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tomáš Dopita
- The Foreign Policy of the Baltic States and the Ukrainian Crisis: A Case of Europeanization?
Maili Vilson
Review Essay
- On New Travels in Space-Time: Theoretical Rediscoveries after the Crisis in (Comparative) Capitalism(s)
Daniel Šitera
- Russia and the World: 2016 IMEMO Forecast
IMEMO, Russian Academy of Sciences
Forum: Responses to ‘Deter and Engage: Making the Case for Harmel 2.0 as NATO’s New Strategy’
Ulrich Kühn
- The Harm in Harmel: What the Transatlantic Alliance Needs is a New Containment
Ondřej Ditrych
- Engage with Russia? Sure, Just Don't Throw the European Security Order under the Bus!
Łukasz Kulesa
- “Deter and Engage”: A New NATO Strategy for Taming Russia
Irina Kobrinskaya
- More Realism, Please! A Reply to Ditrych, Kulesa and Kobrinskaya
Ulrich Kühn
Notes on Contributors