Provincialising Europe. Postcolonial Theory in Political Science and International Relations
The Institute of International Relations would like to invite you to a seminar with Aram Ziai.
22. 5. 2013 (10:00)
Tento obsah není aktuální Institute of International Relations, Nerudova 3, Prague 1
Aram Ziai is a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Development Research of Bonn University and a Heisenberg Fellow of the German Research Association. Earlier, he was a Professor of International Development at the University of Vienna and has taught at the universities of Hamburg, Kassel, Amsterdam, Aachen and Magdeburg. His areas of research are postcolonial and post-development studies, development theory and policy and global economic governance.
Working language: English
You can download the invitation here.
Masters students and Ph.D. students from universities from the Královéhradecký, Olomoucký and Středočeský regions could be reimbursed for their actual travel costs on the basis of the original travel documents! (For further information please contact the Conference Service of the IIR - email:, or tel.: 251 108 213)
More of Aram Ziai
Interview with Aram Ziai
Rozhovor s Aramem Ziaiem
This conference is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic within the project The Cooperation Network for Research of the Non-European Areas, Reg. No. CZ 1.07/2.4.00/31.0027.
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