Ondřej Ditrych Senior Researcher
Ondřej Ditrych is a senior researcher and the former Director of the Institute of International Relations (2018-2023). He studied international relations at the University of Cambridge (MPhil.) and the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (Ph.D.), where is now also Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations. In the past he was also an analyst at NATO SHAPE (2013-2014), the coordinator of the research center D. CENT Karl Deutsch Center for International Political and Social Research (2014-2016), an associate fellow at the European Union Institute for Security Studies (2013), a visiting scholar at CERI, Sciences Po Paris (2012-2013), a visiting researcher at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Berlin (2011) and a Fulbright research fellow at the Belfer Center at Harvard University (2007-2008). His professional interests include terrorism and revolutionary violence in global politics, NATO and European security, ethnopolitical conflicts in the post-Soviet space, and global trends and their predictions. He is currently also a member of the expert panel in the Social Sciences of the Research, Development and Innovation Council of the Czech Republic and the General Board of the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences.