Solidarity in the EU: Does it exist? The view from the capitals (ONLINE)
The Institute of International Relations would like to cordially invite you to a debate "Solidarity in the EU: Does it exist? The view from the capitals". The discussion will be live-streamed on the IIR Facebook page on December 6 at 3:30 PM (CET).
6. 12. 2021 (15:30)
Jazyk: English IIR Facebook
Solidarity is often understood as one of the basic principles of European integration. However, the migration crisis and the COVID pandemic have cast serious doubts over its value for European politics. Does solidarity exist only as a vague principle or does it (at times) guide policy-making in Europe? Why does solidarity frequently mean different things in different national settings? Are there ways of strengthening solidarity among member states, and should it be strengthened at all? The seminar will shed light on these topics using the insights from the extensive comparative study European Solidarity in Action and the Future of Europe.
The debate will be live-streamed on our Facebook page on 6th December at 3:30 PM (CET).

Spolupráce / Záštita
The debate "Solidarity in the EU: Does it exist? The view from the capitals." is organised in cooperation with Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA).