V4 and Chinese Soft Power
Join us for our webinar on the V4 and Chinese soft power. The speakers will focus on Visegrad 4 region and present the views from Czechia, Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. The webinar will be live-streamed on our Facebook page on 9th June at 4 PM CET.
9. 6. 2021 (16:00)
Jazyk: English IIR Facebook
The ETNC report „China’s Soft Power in Europe: Falling on Hard Times”, edited by Clingendael, the Netherlands Institute for International Relations, in which the Institute of International Relations Prague also participated, explored the issue of Chinese soft power in the 17 European states. The report was edited by Ties Dams, Xiaoxue Martin and Vera Kranenburg. Issued and presented online in April 2021.
In the webinar, you can look forward to:
-Ties Dams, Clingendael (chair)
-Justyna Szczudlik, Polish Institute of International Affairs, PISM
-Tamás Matura, Central and Eastern European Center for Asian Studies, Corvinus University of Budapest
-Richard Q. Turscányi, Central European Institute of Asian Studies, CEIAS
-Rudolf Fürst, Iinstitute of International Relations Prague
The event will be live-streamed on our Facebook page on 9th June at 4 PM CET.
Report ETNC "China´s Soft Power in Europe"